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PTE Academic Jimmyssem's Secret Online Course
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Referral (Friend 20% OFF & I Get 20% Rebate) / 친구소개 (친구 20% 할인받고 나도 20% 받기)
*MUST WATCH* Let's Begin!! (*꼭 시청* 시작합시다~!!)
The Question you MUST ask yourself / 자기 자신에게 반.드.시 물어봐야할 것 (15:42)
I Want To Know You / 당신을 알려주세요
INTRO Part 1 (How to use Online Course) / 온라인코스 사용법 (45:00)
INTRO Part 2 (How to start PTE prep) / PTE 공부 시작하기 (16:20)
All Sections Explained for BEGINNERS // 모든 섹션들 설명(초보용) (54:24)
Jimmy's PTE Study Plan
Things to note (중요한 것들)
Join Members ONLY Telegram!! (멤버전용 카톡오픈쳇방 조인하세요!!)
NEWS (11 Dec 2023 ~ Jan 2024) NEW question type Trial
REMEMBER: This Online Course is monthly Subscription( 이 온라인코스는 구독 서비스 입니다)
How accurate is Apeuni scoring system?(에입유니 얼마나 믿을만한가요?)
ALERT: 2nd half of ALL clips in KOREAN (모든 영상의 후반부부터 한국말입니다)
All copyrights reserved to jimmyssem & not to be distributed/downloaded without consent
Don't study Multiple Choice Qs(객관식문제들 연습하지 말것)
Testimonials / 성공사례
*OPTIONAL* What does PTE 79+ sound/look like? (궁금하면 시청)
PTE Analysis _ Speaking90 (Indian) (16:03)
[PTE Analysis] Speaking83 (Korean) (16:29)
[PTE Analysis] Speaking80 (Hong Kong) (21:14)
[PTE Analysis] Speaking83 (Italia) (12:48)
[PTE Analysis] Speaking90 (IRAN) (17:56)
LIVE session Feedback (라이브 피드백)
>>LIVE feedback (ENG every FRI 9pm) & (한국말은 매주 토요일 9pm) SYDNEY TIME
ENG LIVE videos archive (1011:06)
KOR LIVE (한국말 라이브 영상 저장소) (2811:09)
*MUST* TIPS - SPEAKING (*꼭 시청* 팁: 스피킹)
Read Aloud(RA) - TIPS (47:27)
Repeat Sentence(RS) - TIPS (49:30)
2024 Nov DI RL update (40:42)
2024 Nov DI RL update(한국말) (62:14)
DI RL 템플릿 발음 설명영상 (24:09)
한국인들이 어려워하는 발음 (KOR) (43:08)
*MUST* TIPS - WRITING (*꼭 시청* 팁: 라이팅)
Summarise Written Text(SWT) - TIPS (32:27)
Essay(ESS) - TIPS (33:52)
ESSAY Templet
SWT SST ESSAY templets & tools to memorize(For Members)
*MUST* TIPS - READING (*꼭 시청* 팁: 리딩)
Test your READING skills (당신의 리딩을 시험해보세요)
How to prepare READING section as a whole (리딩 준비방법) (8:36)
Basic Grammar You should know(beginner) // 알아야하는 기본적인 문법 (초보용) (50:07)
*MUST* TIPS - LISTENING (*꼭 시청* 팁: 리스닝)
Summarise Spoken Text(SST) - TIPS (31:38)
Listening Fill in the Blanks(LFIB) - TIPS (25:54)
Highlight Incorrect Words(HIW) - TIPS (17:07)
Write From Dictation(WFD) - TIPS (21:01)
WFD Predictions PDF (update 06-03-2025)
WFD Prediction Practice Website(Members Only)
Practice Materials - RA (Explanation/Demonstration) - 발음 설명영상 (1 of 2)
RA practice 1 (global warming is ...) (16:35)
RA practice 2 (The speaker is a marine ...) (14:49)
RA practice 3 (The climate for ... ) (9:55)
RA practice 4 (There are perhaps ...) (10:16)
RA practice 5(Modern buildings have ...) (8:31)
RA practice 6(Not a lot is ...) (9:29)
RA practice 7(As a historian ...) (10:10)
RA practice 8(In the Middle Ages ...) (7:47)
RA practice 9(Studying abroad is ...) (9:46)
RA practice 10(History rubs shoulders ...) (9:59)
RA practice 11(Humans need to use energy ...) (12:46)
RA practice 12(The primary application ...) (11:23)
RA practice 13(A recent trend in the ...) (9:36)
RA practice 14(Three professors from ...) (11:09)
RA practice 15(The border itself ...) (10:00)
RA practice 16(The researchers think ...) (6:48)
RA practice 17(The problem begins with ...) (9:22)
RA practice 18(A university is a lot more ...) (7:43)
RA practice 19(Moods may also have ...) (7:52)
RA practice 20(Marker research is vital ...) (7:49)
RA practice 21(Roman writers and orators ...) (13:27)
RA practice 22(This finding is understandable ...) (9:33)
RA practice 23(Currently, integration is ...) (12:14)
RA practice 24(Dolphins, whales ...) (9:25)
RA practice 25(The numbers on US student ...) (8:57)
RA practice 26(The tsunamis could provide ...) (9:32)
RA practice 27(Reiss took a stab at ...) (8:27)
RA practice 28(While Republican field is ...) (10:35)
RA practice 29(Who do you think is ...) (5:32)
RA practice 30(In the photo ...) (5:33)
RA practice 31(The office of Personnel ..) (7:39)
RA practice 32(For centuries, Atlantis ...) (7:13)
RA practice 33(In the past, Naming English ...) (14:40)
RA practice 34(As far as politics go ...) (11:30)
RA practice 35(Thompson recognized and ...) (13:35)
RA practice 36(Usually, age is determined by ...) (13:40)
RA practice 37(For the purposes of argument ...) (11:50)
RA practice 38(Free trade is an economic policy ...) (10:01)
RA practice 39(Networking is easy and fun ...) (7:54)
RA practice 40(The insults and criticism ...) (6:38)
RA 41(The second group that is ...) (20:01)
RA 42(Unlike the United Kingdom ...) (20:45)
RA 43(It's not that human activities ...) (16:29)
RA 44(Trade unions originated ...) (15:32)
RA 45(Many papers you write ...) (12:50)
RA 46(There are three main ...) (14:28)
RA 47(Few things in the world ...) (11:13)
RA 48(How do we imagine ...) (9:00)
RA 49(The situation is similar ...) (8:23)
RA 50(The elephant is the largest ...) (9:29)
RA 51(Yellow is considered as the ...) (7:48)
RA 52(The research said that ...) (8:32)
RA 53(The current measure has ...) (7:39)
RA 54(In spite of the spectacularly ...) (8:42)
RA 55(At the beginning of each fiscal year ...) (9:58)
RA 56(Although it hails from a remote ...) (11:05)
RA 57(Every morning, no matter ...) (9:19)
RA 58(The core of the problem was ...) (9:40)
RA 59(Tesla's theoretical work ...) (11:25)
RA 60(While blue is one of the ...) (9:27)
RA 61(The beginning of the twenty-first ...) (21:30)
RA 62(For any marketing course ...) (13:54)
RA 63(Long isolated from Western Europe ...) (17:12)
RA 64(The Japanese tea ceremony ...) (15:48)
RA 65(A Hazard Assessment should ...) (12:31)
RA 66(A unique characteristic of online ...) (12:04)
RA 67(Business school admissions ...) (14:39)
RA 68(Public demand for education ...) (10:15)
RA 69(Along with customary ...) (11:00)
RA 70(Shrimp farmers used to hold ...) (11:17)
RA 71(Although Botswana's economic outlook ..) (20:26)
RA 72(The preparation of abstracts is an ...) (14:14)
RA 73(First-year university students ...) (14:44)
RA 74(Certainly, one of the important ...) (14:05)
RA 75(Before the discovery of Australia ...) (10:44)
RA 76(Teenage girls are continuing to ...) (11:50)
RA 77(Perhaps the most measurable ...) (7:42)
RA 78(To work effective with ...) (8:16)
RA 79(Imagine living all your life ...) (10:01)
RA 80(Traditional divisions of domestic ...) (8:56)
RA 81(a national study into fraud...) (20:51)
RA 82(thus, a country might possess...) (13:42)
RA 83(When we recycle, used materials ...) (14:09)
RA 84(Since its inception, the UN system ...) (14:17)
RA 85(Have you ever pictured ...) (9:56)
RA 86(The maximum yield of plants ...) (13:08)
RA 87(You used to think that being green ...) (9:38)
RA 88(Internal combustion engine enables ...) (9:27)
RA 89 (Investigators also compared those ...) (13:34)
RA 90 (A constellation is an area ...) (9:32)
Practice Materials - RA (Explanation/Demonstration) - 발음 설명영상 (2 of 2)
RA 91 (New research shows that ...) (8:02)
RA 92 (Foam-filled furniture is ...) (10:15)
Practice - RS Beginner (연습 RS 영상 초보용)
PTE Repeat Sentence Prediction Questions (101:18)
Practice - RS Intermediate (연습 RS 영상 중급자용)
RS Challenge DAY1 (21:32)
RS Challenge DAY2 (21:58)
RS Challenge DAY3 (21:55)
RS Challenge DAY4 (22:27)
RS Challenge DAY5 (22:20)
RS Challenge DAY6 (22:06)
RS Challenge DAY7 (21:51)
RS Challenge DAY8 (22:24)
RS Challenge DAY9 (22:04)
RS Challenge DAY10 (21:58)
RS Challenge DAY11 (21:59)
RS Challenge DAY12 (21:57)
RS Challenge DAY13 (22:05)
RS Challenge DAY14 (21:52)
RS Challenge DAY15 (22:13)
RS Challenge DAY16 (21:50)
RS Challenge DAY17 (22:14)
RS Challenge DAY18 (21:44)
RS Challenge DAY19 (21:40)
RS Challenge DAY20 (21:46)
RS Challenge DAY21 (21:39)
RS Challenge DAY22 (22:02)
RS Challenge DAY23 (21:53)
RS Challenge DAY24 (21:36)
RS Challenge DAY25 (21:50)
Practice- Answer Short Questions
ASQ audio practice questions & answers
Practice - Summarise Written Text (SWT) Answers/Demonstrations (예시 답안)
SWT 1-5
SWT 6-10
Practice - Essay Answers/Demonstrations (예시 답안)
Essay Questions 1
Essay Questions 1 - ANSWER
Essay Questions 2
Essay Questions 2 - ANSWER
Essay Questions 3
Essay Questions 3 - ANSWER
Essay Questions 4
Essay Questions 4 - ANSWER
Essay Questions 5
Essay Questions 5 - ANSWER
Essay Question 6 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 7 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 8 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 9 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 10 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 11 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 12 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 13 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 14 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 15 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 16 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 17 & SAMPLE ANS
Essay Question 18 & SAMPLE ANS
Practice - RW FIB + Ans/Explanations Videos (답 설명 영상)
RWFIB 1 (vocab/grammar) Underground houses have many advantages... (13:44)
RWFIB 2 (grammar/collocation) Comparing the intelligence of animals of difference species... (12:31)
RWFIB 3(vocab/collocation) Academic writing addresses complex issues that require high-order thinking... (14:23)
RWFIB 4(grammar/vocab) The rest of Taylor's restaurant is student-run... (15:18)
RWFIB 5(vocab/collocation) A few summers ago I visited two dairy farms... (15:11)
RWFIB 6(collocation/vocab) An economist sees the world basically through a typical micro-economic... (14:03)
RWFIB 7 (comprehension/grammar/vocab) Clean water was very important to the Romans... (18:10)
RWFIB 8 (vocab/grammar) The skills you will develop on this course will... (16:20)
RWFIB 9(vocab/collocation) What are allergies... (19:34)
RWFIB 10 (grammar/vocab) SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket lifted off... (17:58)
RWFIB 11 (vocab/collocation/grammar) Populations can change through three processes... (19:13)
RWFIB 12 (grammar/vocab/collocation) A sustainable transportation system is one in which... (21:09)
RWFIB 13(collocation/grammar/vocab) The recipe for making any creature... (16:04)
RWFIB 14(collocation/vocab/grammar) An analysis of more than 500 graduates... (21:17)
RWFIB 15 (vocab/grammar) Canada is a country of the enormous natural... (17:37)
RWFIB 16 (vocab/collocation/grammar) All viruses mutate constantly... (20:47)
RWFIB 17 (grammar/collocation) The modern research ship takes its origins... (14:16)
RWFIB 18 (vocab/grammar/collocation) People modify cultural ideas in their minds... (15:06)
RWFIB 19 (grammar/collocation) The environmental impact of the global textile... (11:06)
RWFIB 20 (vocab/collocation) UWS graduates Racha Abboud (8:13)
RWFIB 21(vocab/collocation) The supply of a thing, in the phrase... (9:08)
RWFIB 22(vocab/collocation) One of the most ... of psychologists... (9:10)
RWFIB 23 (vocab/collocation/grammar) Recently, research in to embryonic development... (14:31)
RWFIB 24 (vocab/collocation) Those were his halcyon days when his music was... (9:48)
RWFIB 25 (vocab/collocation/grammar) Seminars are not designed to be... (17:20)
RWFIB 26 (vocab/collocation) The exponential growth of the internet... (18:13)
RWFIB 27 (vocab/grammar/collocation) Timing is important for revision... (13:16)
RWFIB 28 (vocab) Over sixty years after Amelia Earhart... (20:00)
RWFIB 29 (vocab/grammar/collocation) At the end of the last ice age... (15:17)
RWFIB 30 (grammar/vocab) While workers worry about whether robots will take... (14:52)
RWFIB 31 (vocab/collocation) To learn the speech of alchemy... (13:00)
RWFIB 32 (grammar/collocation) New favorable traits evolve... (14:11)
RWFIB 33 (vocab/collocation) With about one and a half billion... (11:46)
RWFIB 34 (vocab) Although not written about extensively... (10:28)
RWFIB 35 (collocation) In the developed world... (11:09)
RWFIB 36(vocab/collocation) For a start, we need to change... (17:22)
RWFIB 37(vocab) The electrons that orbit... (16:16)
RWFIB 38 (grammar/vocab/collocation) A Massey ecologist has teamed up... (16:28)
RWFIB 39 (vocab) One of the Supreme Court's most important... (19:25)
RWFIB 40 (vocab/collocation) Barrie Finning's, a professor at... (18:19)
RWFIB 41 (vocab/collocation/grammar) The general perception is that children are... (20:42)
RWFIB 42 (vocab/grammar) Bones are extremely strong... (7:22)
RWFIB 43 (grammar) Small lakes with a surface area of less than 100 square meters... (19:51)
RWFIB 44 (vocab) Coastal fish farms seem to do less harm... (18:47)
RWFIB 45 (vocab) UMN's ALCs features large ... tables that seat... (16:01)
RWFIB 46 (vocab/collocation) The discovery of a set of what look like ancient hominin... (19:14)
RWFIB 47 (vocab/collocation/grammar) Uniquely stable, they ... to participate in no chemical reactions... (13:02)
RWFIB 48 (collocation/vocab) Psychology as a subject of study has largely developed... (18:25)
RWFIB 49 (grammar) Paraphrasing is often defined as putting... (14:56)
RWFIB 50(vocab/grammar) The ... in marriage rates and increase in divorce rates... (14:04)
RWFIB 51(grammar/collocation/vocab) Victoria University of Wellington has... (17:01)
RWFIB 52(collocation/grammar/vocab) The Edo-Tokyo Tatemono En is an open-air architectural museum... (16:37)
RWFIB 53(grammar/collocation/vocab) At the moment, there are between six and seven... (30:48)
RWFIB 54(grammar/vocab/collocation) Three degrees does not sound like much... (20:20)
RWFIB 55(grammar) About 10,000 years ago, people learned how to make cloth... (20:20)
RWFIB 56(vocab/collocation) Australia and New Zealand have many common links... (18:34)
RWFIB 57(vocab/collocation/grammar) If you've ever wanted to explore the universe... (16:46)
RWFIB 58(vocab/collocation) Everybody eats. And consumers increasingly... (18:42)
RWFIB 59(collocation/vocab/grammar) It's like the publishing version of one of the scenes... (22:34)
RWFIB 60(vocab) For decades, scientists have used an imaging technique... (18:53)
RWFIB61(vocab/collocation) You've probably heard the ..."a heart attack on a plate." (20:10)
RWFIB62(vocab/collocation/grammar) Keeping the brain active and engaged appears... (21:27)
RWFIB63(vocab/grammar/collocation) People move to a new region for many... (21:27)
RWFIB64(vocab/grammar) School-to-work transition is a historically persistent... (17:21)
RWFIB65(vocab/grammar) There are many different ways to help... (18:46)
RWFIB66(vocab/collocation) Egg-eating snakes are a small group... (14:52)
RWFIB67(vocab/grammar) The most ... ingredient in Indian cooking... (16:05)
RWFIB68(collocation/vocab) You have about 30 minutes to answer each question... (12:58)
RWFIB69(collocation/vocab/grammar) Financing of Australian higher education has undergone... (22:08)
RWFIB70(vocab/grammar/expression) In an attempt to ... new students, leading business schools... (17:21)
RWFIB71(grammar/collocation/vocab) If you see a movie, or a TV... (21:49)
RWFIB72(collocation/vocab) Serving on a jury is normally... (17:02)
RWFIB73(grammar/vocab/collocation) Formed two million years ago... (16:10)
RWFIB74(grammar/collocation/expression) Over many centuries and across many... (21:33)
RWFIB75(collocation/grammar/vocab) In 1959, the partial skeletal remains... (18:18)
RWFIB76(collocation/vocab) This is a challenging time for UK students... (13:51)
RWFIB77(vocab/grammar) Our sense of cinema as a site of commercial entertainment... (22:49)
RWFIB78(collocation/grammar/vocab) Moreover, for Professor David Phoenix... (19:03)
RWFIB79(vocab/grammar/collocation) For every action, there's a ... (16:16)
RWFIB80(grammar/vocab/collocation) The messages doctors give can ... (20:58)
RWFIB81(grammar/vocab/collocation) Ants are known for working together... (23:40)
RWFIB82(vocab/collocation) Alaska's Aleutian Islands have... (12:55)
RWFIB83(vocab/grammar/collocation) Essays are used as an assessment tool... (18:19)
RWFIB84(collocation/vocab) Complementary therapies - such as those... (16:20)
RWFIB85(vocab/collocation/grammar) The Eiffel Tower was the tallest... (24:16)
RWFIB86(vocab/collocation) In the southern cone especially... (21:02)
RWFIB87(collocation/vocab/grammar) It's Friday the 13th... (21:38)
RWFIB88(grammar/vocab/collocation) Thomas Alva Edison was both a scientist... (19:51)
RWFIB89(collocation/grammar) Climate is the word we... (10:24)
RW FIB 90(collocation/vocab/grammar) People are living longer and this longevity... (16:12)
RW FIB 91(vocab/collocation) Forty years ago yesterday... (17:30)
RW FIB 92(vocab/collocation/grammar) A common response to seeing an ant... (19:35)
RW FIB 93(vocab/grammar) Oliver Smithies won the Nobel Prize... (19:41)
RW FIB 94(vocab/collocation) It's like the molecular version of the Joker... (19:45)
RW FIB 95(collocation/vocab/grammar) If after years of Spanish classes... (20:34)
RW FIB 96(vocab/collocation/grammar) Drive down any highway... (21:23)
RW FIB 97(grammar) There were twenty-six freshman... (17:52)
RW FIB 98(collocation/grammar) What is a country... (11:51)
RW FIB 99(grammar/vocab) According to a research conducted by Cambridge University... (9:37)
RW FIB 100(collocation/vocab/grammar) Never has the carbon footprint... (18:02)
Practice - RFIB + Ans/Explanations Videos (답 설명 영상)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -1 - The horned desert viper's... (9:11)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -2 - Research already know that spending... (10:55)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -3 - Walt Disney World has become... (12:42)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -4 - Barrie Finning's, a professor at Monash... (13:37)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -5 - Spending too much time in the concrete jungle... (12:59)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -6 - The main ... of advertising is to sell... (8:17)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -7 - During the 19th century, the enormous expansion of... (12:36)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -9 - On average, Iceland... (9:25)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -8 - The most common ... for carrying out a detailed... (8:05)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -10 - The Dag Hammarskjold Library... (15:52)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -11 - Since biological systems... (10:28)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -12 - Sharks killed four people... (15:31)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -13 - The National Portrait Gallery's ... (16:19)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -14 - It is commonly said by anthropologists... (21:27)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -15 - We now know through the work of neuroscientists ... (20:29)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -16 - The overall result of two or... (12:04)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -17 - Climate is the word we... (13:34)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -18 - In geologic terms... (15:10)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -19 - Psychology as a subject of study... (15:55)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -20 - The UW course descriptions are... (11:22)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -21 - Stars and the material between them... (12:17)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -22 - People who visit health professionals... (24:11)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -23 - Chemicals used to control weeds... (15:15)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -24 - For a start, we need to change... (20:42)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -25 - From a child's point of view... (14:03)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -26 - History is selective... (9:29)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -27 - An ice storm... (10:07)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -28 - Many tests have shown that... (15:11)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -29 - To better understand selfies... (13:59)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -30 - Although Botswana... (9:00)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -31 - You have about 30 minutes... (8:51)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -32 - Reading is an active process... (10:28)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -33 - The six programs represented here... (18:19)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -34 - Pre-Raphaelitism was Britain's most significant... (16:22)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -35 - The morality of the welfare state... (11:34)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -38 - Genius, in the popular conception... (17:11)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -39 - It would be reassuring to think... (13:18)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -40 - The Life Science Institute... (10:08)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -41 - The American People... (8:27)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -42 - As the economic depression... (8:14)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -43 - A novel device for heling farmers... (15:00)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -44 - In the fast-changing world of modern... (9:51)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -45 - Since the last papal reform... (11:19)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -46 - Universities are, of course, the primary... (15:54)
Reading Fill in the Blanks 47 (By 2025, government exports' say ...) (13:30)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -48 (everybody needs fresh water ...) (13:33)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -49 (observer does not necessarily recognize ...) (10:51)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -50 (an important corollary of this focus on ...) (10:59)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -51 (a new interdiscipliniary centre for the study ...) (18:43)
Reading Fill in the Blanks -52 (people are naturally concerned about the polluting ...) (16:13)
Practice - ReOrder Paragraph(RO) + Ans/Explanations Videos (답 설명 영상)
RO Practice Questions
RO1 (10:14)
RO2 (8:11)
RO3 (8:39)
RO4 (11:36)
RO5 (6:34)
RO6 (9:26)
RO7 (9:30)
RO8 (13:17)
RO9 (16:29)
RO10 (6:11)
RO11 (11:25)
RO12 (8:11)
RO13 (15:57)
RO14 (8:38)
RO15 (12:23)
RO16 (12:29)
RO17 (8:52)
RO18 (14:29)
RO19 (9:09)
RO20 (11:45)
RO21 (12:05)
RO22 (14:43)
RO23 (14:06)
RO24 (14:15)
RO25 (13:55)
RO26 (11:22)
RO27 (10:32)
RO28 (15:50)
RO29 (17:13)
RO30 (15:37)
RO31 (15:37)
RO32 (16:00)
RO33 (15:29)
RO34 (16:14)
RO35 (16:45)
RO36 (14:03)
RO37 (13:54)
RO38 (17:23)
RO39 (17:42)
RO40 (17:19)
RO41 (12:18)
RO42 (9:20)
RO43 (13:23)
RO44 (14:37)
RO45 (12:20)
RO46 (12:50)
RO47 (11:22)
RO48 (13:34)
RO49 (12:05)
RO50 (14:48)
Practice - Listening Fill in the Blanks(LFIB) Questions (문제+답)
LFIB 1-10
LFIB 11-20
LFIB 21-30
LFIB 31-40
LFIB 41-60
LFIB 61-70
LFIB 71-80
LFIB 81-90
LFIB 91-100
LFIB 91-100 (AUDIO)
(ANS) LFIB 1-10
(ANS) LFIB 11-20
(ANS) LFIB 21-30
(ANS) LFIB 31-40
(ANS) LFIB 41-60
(ANS) LFIB 61-70
(ANS) LFIB 71-80
(ANS) LFIB 81-90
(ANS) LFIB 91-100
Practice - Highlight Incorrect Words(HIW) Questions (문제+답)
HIW 1-20
HIW 21-30
HIW 31-40
HIW 31-40 (AUDIO)
HIW 41-50
HIW 41-50 (AUDIO)
HIW 51-60
HIW 51-60 (AUDIO)
HIW 61-70
HIW 61-70 (AUDIO)
HIW 71-80
HIW 71-80 (AUDIO)
HIW 81-90
HIW 81-90 (AUDIO)
HIW 91-100
HIW 91-100 (AUDIO)
(ANS) HIW 1-20
(ANS) HIW 21-30
(ANS) HIW 31-40
(ANS) HIW 41-50
(ANS) HIW 51-60
(ANS) HIW 61-70
(ANS) HIW 71-80
(ANS) HIW 81-90
(ANS) HIW 91-100
[Daily Release PTE 1]
Today's PTE Tip 1
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 1~2 ENG & KOR(한)
PTE Study Plan(ENG/한)
[Daily Release PTE 2]
Today's PTE Tip 2
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 3~4 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 3]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 5-6 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 4]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 7-8 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 5]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 9-10 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 6]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 11-12 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 7]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 13-14 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 8]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 15-16 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 9]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 17-18 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 10]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 19-20 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 11]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 21-22 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 12]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 23-24 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 13]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 25-26 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 14]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 27-28 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 15]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 29-30 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 16]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 31-32 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 17]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 33-34 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 18]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 35-36 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 19]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 37-38 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 20]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 39-40 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 21]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 41-42 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 22]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 43-44 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 23]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 45-46 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 24]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 47-48 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 25]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 49-50 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 26]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 51-52 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 27]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 53-54 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 28]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 55-56 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 29]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 57-58 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 30]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 59-60 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 31]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 61-62 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 32]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 63-64 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 33]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 65-66 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 34]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 67-68 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 35]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 69-70 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 36]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 71-72 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 37]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 73-74 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 38]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 75-76 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 39]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 77-78 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 40]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 79-80 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 41]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 81-82 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 42]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 83-84 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 43]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 85-86 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 44]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 87-88 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 45]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 89-90 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 46]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 91-92 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 47]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 93-94 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 48]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 95-96 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 49]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 97-98 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 50]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 99-100 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 51]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 101-102 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 52]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 103-104 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 53]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 105-106 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 54]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 107-108 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 55]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 109-110 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 56]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 111-112 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 57]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 113-114 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 58]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 115-116 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 59]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 117-118 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 60]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 119-120 ENG & KOR(한)
[Daily Release PTE 61]
RW FIB New Prediction Explained 121-122 ENG & KOR(한)
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