Testimonials / 성공사례

PTE success stories :) 😀

If you got your desired score, please share your story with other friends here to inspire them!

《PTE 성공 이야기들 :) 😀 》

목표점수를 달성 하셨다면 다른분들에게 힘이 되도록 본인의 스토리를 공유해주세요, 부탁드립니다!

(ENG translation)
Despite not knowing anything, after taking Jimmy's lectures, I am finally leaving after achieving the target score of 58. Thank you very much, Jimmy 🙇🏻‍♂🙇🏻‍♂🙇🏻‍♂🙇🏻‍♂🙇🏻‍♂

(ENG translation)
Yesterday, I did my 7th attempt in Korea and got my desired score. The only thought I have is "why didn't I do PTE with Jimmy in the first place?"
After Jimmyssem's PTE online course, my Speaking(what seemed impossible) rose 19 points in 3 weeks.
Believe in Jimmy people, and try your best and you'll get your desired score!!
Thanks Jimmy!

(translation: Target score Each 65 / Hi Jimmy, I did the test 8 times prior... and I finally passed. Because of DI/RL I was going crazy and the Extended Speaking always bottomed, after using a altered version of your DI templet, Extended Speaking topped every time.
I'm so happy and grateful)



(한글) E65 간호사의 장수생 성공이야기.


"Each 76/ OA76을 받아야 하는데, 5월 구독을 시작했을때는 익텐 스피킹이 특히 안 나와서 스피킹 먼저 온라인 피드백 2번 받고 스피킹 점수가 안정적으로 나오니까

이제 다른 모든 과목의 점수를 끌어 올려야 하기 때문에 마지막으로 6월 25일에 온라인 피드백 받고 7월부터는 혼자 냅다 공부 했의요. 어차피 남은거는 제가 실력을 쌓고 시험장에서 실수를 줄이는것 이라고 생각해서요.

7월부터는 공부가 어느정도 되었다 싶어서 점수 나올때 까지 시험 보려고 성적 나오면 접수., 또 성적 나오면 재접수 해서 결국 목표 성적 받았습니다.

앱유니 먼쓸리 FIB-RW, FIB-R 빈칸만 보면 정답적을수 있을 정도로 공부하고 FIB-L은 앱유니 먼쓸리, FF 3번 이상 오타없이 적을 정도로 연습 한것 같아요. 

실력이 부족하니 기출 많이 타서 리딩 점수 잘 받을 수 있을때 까지 하려고 했거든요..

SWT, SST, WE모두 지미쌤 템플릿 사용했고 DI, RL는 샘 템플릿에서 and also I can get 썼어요.( 거의 40초 다 채웠어요 키워드 다다다 말하지 못하니 also I can get 다음 키워드 3개, also O can get 다음 키워드 3개..이런식으로 하니 20초 이내로는 절대 안 끝나더라구요 ㅠ)

RA는 피드백 받을때 한줄 읽기 추천 해주셨는데 FIB-R지문을 소리내어 읽는 연습하다보니 전체지문 읽는것도 부담 없어져서 7월6일 까지는 한줄 읽기, 7월 15일이랑 19일은 전체 다 읽고 잘 안 읽히는 단어 한두개 정도 스킵 했습니다.

선생님 강의 2달동안 들으면서 이시험이 도대체 열심히만 한다고 되는건가..기출에 없는 리딩나오면 정답도 모르겠고 내가 잘 쳤는지 못 쳤는지 점수 나올때까지 알수도 없어 답답했는데

같이 공부하는 단톡에서 다른분들이랑 대화하면서 힘도 많이 났고 선생님이 사소한 질문도 잘 대답해주셔서 너무 감사했습니다.

선생님 그동안 감사했습니다."


I'm ****, a student who subscribed to the online course from May to June 2024.

I needed to get an Each 76/Overall 76, but when I started subscribing in May, I didn't get a good Extended speaking score, so I got 2 online feedback first from you and my speaking score stabilized.

Now that I had to increase my score in all other sections, I finally received online feedback on June 25th and studied alone since July. I think what was left for me was to build up my skills and reduce mistakes in the examination room.

I thought I was ready in July, so I was going to take the test until my score come out. When my score came out, I re-booked again and eventually got my target score.

I think I studied FIB-RW, FIB-R until I was confident with all of APEUNI questions, and I practiced all FIB-L questions 3 cycles/rotations until I made no mistakes.

Since I was not good enough, I was going to do it until I got lucky with the prediction questions.

SWT, SST, and WE I all used Jimmy's template, and in DI and RL, I used "and also I can get" for buffer sentence. (I spoke for almost 40 seconds. I couldn't read all the keywords, so I read 3 keywords after "also I can get" and 3 keywords after "also I can get.." which made it easy to speak for more than 20 seconds when I do it like this)

You recommended in RA to do 1-line Strategy when I received feedback, but as I practiced reading out loud FIB-R questions, it was no longer difficult to read the entire passage, so I did 1-line strategy until July 6th, but read the entire passage & skipped one or two words that I couldn't read well on July 15th and 19th.

After listening to the your lectures for 2 months, I wasn't sure if effort by itself was enough to get Each 76 and I wasn't sure whether I did well or not in the exam until the score came out.

But talking to others in the group chat gave me a lot of strength, and I was so grateful that you answered even the smallest questions.

Thank you, Jimmy.

"지미샘 안녕하세요 샘 온라인 강의 듣던 수강생중 한명입니다! 제가 2주전에 합격을 했는데 선생님께 감사하다는 말씀 드리고 싶은데 전달할 곳이 없어서요 ㅠㅠ 

60점에서 맴돌아서 슬럼프 오고 그러다가 애기랑 디즈니 보면서 영어 스피킹 했다고 했던 수강생입니다 ! ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 

선생님 온라인 강의 덕분에 연음이 무엇인지, 그리고 어떻게 발음 해야하는지 RA는 정말 확실하게 터득을 했어요 

선생님이 피드백해주신 대로 RS도 하루에 100개씩 돌리니깐 잘 안까먹고 바로 말하게 되더라구요 !!!' 

정말 연습만이 길이에요 

그리고 리스닝이 정말 안나와서 속상했는데 선생님 SST 템플렛으로 바꾸니깐 리스닝도 오르고 정말 하 ....

진짜 감사합니다! 리딩도 선생님 강의 듣고 다 돌렸고 앱유니 먼슬리도 다 외웠는데 실력이 쌓인건지 시험이 쉽더라구요 기출은 딱 한문제 나왔습니다 ㅠㅠ 슬프게... 

선생님 정말 감사합니다 이제 시험도 통과했도 발뻗고 편하게 쉬고 "

"Jimmyssem Hello, I'm one of the students who took the online courses! I passed 2weeks ago and I want to say thank you to my teacher, but I have no place to write about it." 

I was a student who had a slump after hovering around 60 points and was speaking English while watching Disney with my baby! lol 

Thanks to your online lectures, in RA, I really figured out what CONNECTING SOUND is and how to pronounce words.

As your feedback, I tried 100 RS questions a day, so I couldn't forget it and performed smoothly. 

Practice is the only way!

And I was upset that the listening really didn't improve, but when I changed to your SST Template, then the listening points went up a lot...

Thank you so much! I listened to your lectures repeatedly, and memorized the APEUNI's monthly, which made the test feel easy, maybe because my skills got better. Sadly, only 1 prediction question came out... 

Thank you so much. Now I passed the exam, I can sleep comfortably."

Target E65

Thanks to Jimmy, I was able to improve my scores in all sections and achieve my target score within a month!! (took 63 in Dec 2023 and 79 in Jan 2024) The PTE analysis was fantastic. Jimmy provided advice based on the mock test results, helping me identify my weaknesses, strengths, and key points for each question, making it much easier to study. I've struggled with reading, the explanations provided in the online course for each question were incredibly helpful! Since my weaknesses weren't clearly stated in the actual score report, it was hard for me to know what I needed to work on, but for anyone struggling to score, I highly recommend trying PTE analysis! You can find where you need to improve. At least for me, it really made a difference!

Also, in my last PTE exam, all 3 WFD came from prediction questions, and for RW FIB, one question came from the online course. Even in my previous PTE exam, all WFD questions came from prediction, so I highly recommend Jimmy's WFD predictions too!

Lastly, the fact that you're able to read my review means you've found a fantastic PTE teacher. So if you're struggling with the PTE, I suggest giving PTE analysis a try!

>>PTE analysis 2.0 is about identifying WHAT you are doing wrong, not a coaching program. This candidate went from 43 to 67 SPEAKING simply by me identifying what she was doing wrong.

A: I really have no clue in RS & RA... did Jimmy's Online Course help a lot? Practicing by myself feels like I'm walking on the same spot, so it's difficult...

B: it really did help a lot.

For me, before & after Online Course was drastically different,,, for RA I realised how I should be reading and in the course, there is a LIVE feedback session, so I was very satisfied.

Each 65 PASS



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